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Monday, July 30, 2007
Free Website Builder
Free Website Editor
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Eleven "hidden" Sources of Traffic
How often do you find yourself saying...
"If only I knew how to get traffic like the big boys"
Well, here's your exclusive opportunity.
Look over the shoulder of "Mr X" as he shows you how
he took a website from 151 unique visitors to over a
whopping 60,000 in less than 5 days.( and he didn't
have to pay a dime in advertising)
Sources of Traffic
This is THE 'missing link' to getting you MASSIVE
traffic without having to burn a hole in your pocket.
Go see:
Sources of Traffic
We're talking about real CRASHING tsunami of unique,
laser targeted, hungry visitors.
This is NOT:
* Viral Marketing
* A Guaranteed Visitors package
* A Search Engine Submission Tool
* An Ebook teaching you to write Ezine articles
* A Yahoo listing technique
* Search Engine Cloaking
* An Expired domains redirection
* A Forums Posting Technique
And the best part is, you got to know about this before
anyone else. (I called in some serious favors to make
sure of this)
RUN, don't walk to:
Sources of Traffic
Unless you want the competition to get there before you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Lost Genius Reveals How to Write Sales Materials that Sell
(or "Bruce Barton's 6 Points for Writing Ads")
by Joe Vitale
Hypnotic Library
Bruce Barton was a celebrity in the 1920s. He was a
bestselling author, confidant to presidents, master
copywriter, philanthropist, congressman, and co-founder
of the largest advertising agency in the world, BBDO.
He helped five men become US Presidents. He wrote a
fund raising letter that got a 100% response. The only
book ever written on Barton and his ideas is The Seven
Lost Secrets of Success. I recently discovered Barton's
six points for writing ads, which he probably delivered
in a speech in the early 1930s. Here they are, as Bruce
Barton himself delivered them:
1. The theme. "A lot of time and money is wasted by
our failure to think through and get a theme before we
start. The theme ought to be based on two
principles---first, that a man is interested in
himself; second, that he is interested in other people.
Our formula for Every Week (magazine) was Youth, Love,
Success, Money, and Health---all things in which people
are vitally interested."
2. Interesting headlines. "I think any public notice I
may have had has come from titles. Nobody was more
surprised than I when The Man Nobody Knows became a
best seller. The title is what sold the book."
Barton also mentioned that when he edited magazines, he
often used provocative titles to stir up controversy
and interest. Examples included, "Why I never hire any
woman under 30," "How my wife has hindered me in
business," and the other side of the question, "How my
wife has helped me in business." These interesting
headlines guaranteed readership.
3. The visualization. Barton didn't elaborate on this.
But I'm sure he was referring to the layout of any
sales piece. He once said, "A picture is worth two
pages of type, and a headline is worth almost all the
rest of the ad put together." For Barton, the
illustration, headline, and body copy made up the
layout, or visualization, of any sales piece.
4. The copy. "The introduction can be eliminated
almost always. The mind starts cold when you begin to
write, and you don't get into high until the second or
third paragraph. Cut out the introduction, and then you
have a good hot start.
"Another elementary fundamental of advertising is to
make the copy fit the space. To this day, I never write
a piece of copy without counting the words. The
picture, the headline, and the layout should be set
before you begin the copy. To me, writing the copy
before you have visualized the layout is backwards."
5. Adjectives. "After you finish a piece of copy, go
back and cut out all the adjectives. Henry Ward
Beecher's father was once chairman of a committee to
draw up resolutions on slavery. One sentence in his
resolution read: 'It is an outrage.' Some one suggested
that it should read: 'It is a terrible outrage.'
Beecher said that was the way he had it in his first
draft, but he had cut out the word 'terrible' for the
sake of emphasis.
"Adjectives are like the leaves on a switch. They make
the switch look pretty, but if you want to hit a blow
that will cut, you take off the leaves. Literature that
cuts has very few adjectives. The greatest things in
life are expressed in one-syllable words---love, hate,
fear, home, wife, child."
6. A purpose. "We should never write an ad without the
idea that something is going to happen. What do we want
the reader to do? Write with the conviction that he is
going to do something when he gets through reading---go
to the store and buy; clip the coupon and mail it. And
remember the power of the direct command. Don't say,
'If you would like this beautiful booklet, we will be
glad to send it.' Say, 'Sit down right now and fill in
this coupon.' People want things made easy; they want
you to make up their minds for them."
Click here to learn more about Hypnotic Library
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Three Key Ingredients For Success
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a successful Internet Marketer and an Internet Marketer who struggles most of the time?
I know I have wondered that time and time again, because I used to be a struggling Internet Marketer,until something changed.
At first I couldn't quite put my finger on it, then over time I realized the little shift that happened in my thinking that transformed me from someone who couldn't even pay his bills to someone who could take charge of his life and create the success he deserved.
It wasn't as simple as reading an ebook that gave me that "one technique for getting traffic or building a list".
It wasn't about copywriting.
It wasn't about my newsletter.
It wasn't about search engines.
It wasn't about web pages.
It wasn't about forms, or autoresponders, or email.
It was about my thinking.
I figured out how to change my thinking in order to achieve the level of success I enjoy today.
What if you could learn to think just like Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill of Nitro Marketing?
Would you be better at your online business if you developed your mind to excel in:
1. Getting Started
2. Focus
3. Follow Through
What If I told you that there is a special audio preview of their new Mega-Audio Series "The Nitro Marketing Mindset".
If you want to check it out to learn what you can do to change the way you think click here.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Secret Trick Internet Marketing Pros Are Using to Rake in the Dough (and don't want you to find out about)
I've got a little secret that can give you instant credibility online, plus more response, more leads and more money in your pocket.
This secret can make you look like a million dollars, and it costs only $39/year.
I have a friend, a real 'Internet Marketing Guru', who doesn't want me to tell you, or anyone, about this little trick. He thinks that if the average person knows about this it will be harder for the experienced Internet marketer to distinguish himself/herself from everyone else.
I agree with him -- it WILL change the playing field. But I also believe you deserve to know about it.
So I'm going to let the cat our of the bag...
I'll be straight forward.
I'm just like you. I work real hard. I want to give back to my family and the community. I want to do more.
I do real well financially, now. But there was a time when I was selling my furniture to pay for rent. It was a time I'd like to forget. I was totally BROKE.
During those 'dark days' I was told a very powerful and important lesson:
No matter how little you have, NEVER LOOK BROKE!
There is nothing 'wrong' with being broke. It doesn't mean anything about YOU. Just your situation.
I know that. You know that. But the people you want to do business with... THEY may not know that.
You Must Look Successful if You Want to Attract Success!
Looking successful (and acting that way) was a very important part of my success. Eventually, I became how I saw myself and how I presented myself to others.
Very rich.
I'm going to show you how to do this, too.
On the Internet, most people have these rinky-dink websites that look like they were put together by a 12-year old. THEY LOOK BROKE!
which may look a little more professional, but... THEY STILL LOOK LIKE A LITTLE GUY!
Besides, not even their own mother can remember their complicated website address!
I'm going to show you how to look like you OWN the website -- like the smart guy who runs the show. LIKE THE BIG GUY.
I'm going to show you how you can look like
-- You OWN your network marketing company
-- You OWN NameStick
-- You OWN YouCanAutomate
-- You OWN all the companies you have affiliate links with...
Are you ready?
Here's the secret...
It's called:
NAME STICK (the technical term is URL Frame Forwarding)
And until recently, this wasn't affordable or even comprehensible for the little guy.
Here's how it works:
1. You get a catchy URL
2. You forward the URL to your link
3. You forward it in a frame so your URL stays in the browser
(What's a URL? It's a website address. i.e. www.NameStick.com is a URL. Got it? Good.)
This used to require hundreds of dollars and a Phd in Computer Science to make happen.
But now you can now do all this with:
-- Zero programming experience, and
-- $39/year
This is AMAZING!
With virtually no effort I have a SLEW of websites that look like I'm the OWNER of the sites:
... and many more
Now I tell people, 'check out my site at www.BigMoneyNow.com' and they remember it!
I look like a million dollars because it's someone else's million dollar website, but it's my URL in their lucrative affiliate program!
Can you see how this would work for you?
You can use this to:
-- Recruit up! People who want to see YOUR COMPANY'S website -- Big dogs want to deal with big dogs.
-- Expand your audience - different URL's attract people with different needs (I forward several to the same site - more on this below)
-- Impress your family members who said you would never amount to anything... grrr!
-- Have something SIMPLE to put on your business cards
-- When someone at a party asks you what you do you can say, 'I own a number of online properties... you may have heard of www.YourNameDomainName.com?'
It's important to chose the name of your URL wisely because
on the Internet...
People don't get to remember your face. They don't get to remember your voice. They don't get to remember your charm.
The only thing they get to remember is your website name!
So.... Make it readable. Make it easy to say on the phone! Make it easy to remember. Make it as short as possible.
Let me show you step-by-step how easy this is to do. You can only get all the affiliate advantages and a super-low price at YOURAFFILIATELINK
2. Search for a Catchy and Professional URL for your business (and EACH Affiliate program you are promoting) (i.e. I have www.AutomateFollowup.com for my site at http://www.mlmbiznames.com/g.o/followup )
3. Register the domains ($39/1 year or only $64/2 years!)
4. Login to your account https://www.namestick.com/cgi-bin/2.41/manage.cgi
5. Click on Website Forwarding and enter the link of your affiliate program (i.e. http://www.saveyourname.com/g.o/yourname )
6. Click on 'Cloaking'
7. Wait 72 hours...
That's IT!
Can you believe how easy that is! Now you or ANYONE can have A LIST OF SITES that are easy-to- remember and make you look like a million dollars.
Go make your mother-in-law eat her words! :-) Brag to your corporate peers that you own the hottest Home Business website on the Internet. ( YourProURL.com from Click Here
When they ask, did you develop that? Just say, 'No way, are you kidding? I had other people develop that for me.' :-)
This is YOUR Internet. It's time to look like you really own it. It's time to play with the big dogs.
Matt Gill
Name Stick
P.S. I do have the best software to totally automate and personalize your email marketing and follow-up with prospects, downline, new announcements, affiliate program marketing and training... (and more!) http://www.AutomateFollowup.com
OK... its really an affiliate link for my friend's very cool software program! :-)
P.S.S. One last secret tip. Don't limit your sales/visitors/sign-ups by the ONE GREAT URL you are using for ANY SITE, whether it is forwarded or actually hosting content.
Use 2 or 3 (or 10) GREAT domains for increased results!
Expand your audience! Different URL's attract people with different needs - different *hot buttons* Click Here
Friday, July 6, 2007
Search Engines BAN affiliate links!
From the Desk of Eric Owens
VP of Business Development - NameStick.com
A question that I frequently hear from my clients is:
"Do I really need to have my own domain name to
get my distributor or affiliate link listed in the
Search Engines?"
The one word answer is 'YES.'. First, many search
engines are 'truncating' distributor & affiliate
links (reducing them to the basic link, which is
often the company website minus the your distributor
or affiliate code), or even worse...
search engines are banning affiliate links,
and blacklisting subdomains of the parent company
that contain certain obvious characters that
are not obviously part of the base site.
Second, a very common practice is for your visitors
to just 'cut off' or remove the affiliate code from
the end of your link and just go directly to the
parent company and 'bypass' your rightful commissions.
The parent company still gets the same number of
sales, but your commissions go untracked.
Fortunately, there is an easy way to overcome this.
Click Here
As a network marketing distributor and affiliate,
there are a number of reasons why having your
own domain name is a must:
1) When you have your own domain name, the address
of your web site will be of the form
On the other hand, if your website is just a company
replicated website on one of the free servers,
the address of your web site will be something like
Which of these two sounds more professional?
Which of these two is smaller and is easier to remember?
Which of these two would you click on?
2) The only way to make money online is to build
up credibility with your prospects and customers.
Having your own domain name is the first step in
doing that. Your customers will feel more comfortable
buying whatever it is that you are selling if you
have your own domain name. It makes your customers
feel that they are dealing with a large,
established company, rather than with some
fly by night operator.
3) When you have your domain name, you can have
multiple email aliases of the form alias@yourcompany.com.
This allows you to assign different email aliases
to different functions, all of them pointing to
your actual email address. Hence, for example,
for questions related to the products and services
that you sell, you can have an email address like
sales@yourcompany.com. For questions related to the
newsletter that you publish, you can have an email
address like editor@yourcompany.com.
For comments/suggestions about your web site,
you can direct your customers to
feedback@yourcompany.com or webmaster@yourcompany.com.
Having different email addresses for different
functions not only makes it easier for you to
filter your email using your email client program
(Eudora Pro, Pegasus Mail, Outlook Express etc.),
but also gives your customers the impression that
yours is a large, established company with whom
it is safe to do business.
4) Many search engines give a lot of emphasis to
the home page of a particular domain.
So, other factors remaining the same, a home page
of a domain will often rank higher for a particular
keyword than any other page. When you submit your
long, obvious affiliate link, your index.html
page is the home page of your site, but not of
that domain. In these search engines, your site
will find it very difficult to make it to the
top 20 or top 30, let alone the top 10 for some
of the really competitive keywords. Just think of
the amount of traffic that you will lose if this
5) Many major search engines are now refusing
to spider the web sites that contain obvious
affiliate coding.
For instance, a link that includes these characters
backslashes, cgi-bin, and affiliate numbers or
usernames, would, until recently, have got the
infamous error message saying that too many pages
have been submitted from your site if you tried
to submit your site to AltaVista.
While AltaVista now says that 'your URL has been
submitted for processing' if you try to submit
your site, rest assured that it will not spider
any site obviously belonging to affiliate programs
any more - even if it says that your site has
been accepted. Can you afford that?
6) You will also find it very difficult to get an
affiliate link listed in a major directory like
Yahoo!. Although Yahoo! will never admit that it
won't add a commercial site which is hosted by an
affiliate program, in practice, it will be a
miracle if you can get your site listed by Yahoo!.
Listing your site with Yahoo! is difficult enough
even when you have your own domain. Don't make
your task more difficult than what it needs to be.
If you do not currently have a domain name to
promote your affiliate program, are you convinced
that you need one right now?
The small fee that you pay per year for your own
domain name is peanuts compared to the benefits
that you get. You can check out the availability
of domain names and register new domains at
Click Here
You can now also customize the Title, Keywords and
Description tags for your domain. This gives you
advanced search engine optimization for higher
search engine rankings. Almost all affiliate links
are NOT indexed by any of the major search engines.
NameStick Domains are.
Eric Owens is the Vice President of Business Development
and Search Engine Specialist for NameStick.com.
Affiliates - In Under 7 Minutes You Can Explode Click
Throughs (And Profits) By 327% Or More Using This Easy
To Use Tool. Click Here