There's an elephant in the room
that nobody is talking about.
And it's beginning to stink so badly
that someone has finally spoken up
about it.
Yes, Nitro Marketing is airing out the
"dirty laundry" of Internet Marketing
in a controversial & revealing new report
"The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry Report"
Why are hundreds of thousands of people who
are trying to start, launch, and grow an
online business - with all of the information
available showing you how to do that - still
frustrated, confused, overwhelmed, and no
closer to the success you desire than when
you started?
(And even worse - further in debt and totally
discouraged from continuing after your dream.)
Well, they are exposing exactly what the
problems are and it's all revealed this
special report that was just published
for you which will give you some real
answers, expose the real truth to what is
going on, and more importantly give you some
real help you can depend on in:
"The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry Report"
Why Following 'The Gurus' Is Leaving You
Frustrated, Overwhelmed, Confused, Struggling
And Broke:
The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry Report
Chapter 1: Why People are Frustrated, Overwhelmed,
Confused Struggling and Broke... Despite
the Glamorous Promises Being Made to You.
Chapter 2: The Get ---- Quick Myth - BUSTED!
Chapter 3: The Bamboozler In Hiding
Chapter 4: The "House Of Cards" Are Not Playing With
A Full Deck
Chapter 5: What To Look For In A True System To Follow?
(And what not to touch with a ten-foot pole)
Chapter 6: Real Value, Real Results - Given To You For Free
Chapter 7: Does It Really Work?
Download "The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry
Report" and get the truth at:
The Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry Report
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Elephant in the room?
Friday, November 23, 2007
Free $10,686.84 Value Marketing Products and Training
Thursday, September 27, 2007
A chance meeting, a strange twist of fate, lives changed
As I recall, the year was 2000.
I was on stage in Boulder, Colorado at Jonathan Mizel's
Internet marketing blowout.
You know, sometimes you just get in a zone. And that year,
I reckon I was in one.
Zip back in time two weeks before.
I was sitting in a movie theater watching a flick on
screen that initially I didn't want to see. You see, it
wasn't in English and you had to read subtitles the whole
But everyone raved about this movie. The social proof was
overwhelming. So there I sat.
Eyes glued to the screen.
The movie was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. And the most
important part of the movie was the end. It left you
breathless in more ways than one.
Fast forward 2 weeks. I'm back in front of the room of
Jonathan's seminar. Doing a rendition of all the stupid
marketing mistakes I've made in my life.
And talking about the path to becoming a marketing Ninja.
Mixing that with flying through the air like they do in
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.
Well, not exactly. When you're 6' 4 1/2", you don't
exactly fly through the air. It's a speech that is now
Anyway, the audience was in total stitches. Falling on the
floor laughing. That was ALSO the speech in which I
revealed that Sandford Wallace told me over dinner he gets
his best ideas in the shower.
Come to find out later, a LOT of people get their best
ideas there.
Anyway, in the middle of the speech, two people get up and
walk out. They thought it was the worst speech they'd ever
heard in their lives!
For others, they sat mesmerized. I got a standing ovation
for what it's worth.
Later, out in the hall, I was talking to a guy. I guess
you could call it a chance meeting.
We chatted a bit and I told this person (I don't remember
the conversation in retrospect) that all they needed was
self confidence. They had all the talent they needed.
I could tell this from a brief chat. He had all the talent
in the world. All he needed was confidence.
Later that person became a really, really well-known
Internet marketing -- one of the best.
His name I'm proud to say is Jim Edwards.
For the record, I'm NOT taking any credit for Jim's
success, other than that I was at the right place at the
right time with a word of encouragement a very talented
person needed.
Now, what if Jim hadn't gone to the seminar? What if he'd
not spent the time or the money. What if he'd not gone
because "the speakers sell products and do pitches" (God
forbid THAT anyone should sell anything at a marketing
seminar...the GALL!)
But Jim Edwards took a chance. He went. And Jim would tell
you that a chance meeting and a few well-chosen words in
the hall changed in his life that day.
I swear Jim'd tell you that if'n you asked him.
Thing is, that speech wasn't video taped. There's no
record of it. You know, at seminars, often the most
important things don't happen on stage.
They aren't video taped.
They're the people you meet. The things you hear. The
things you say to others.
I'm pretty much an ordinary guy. Not much different than
you other than I only work about 30 minutes a day most
days, depending on what you call work.
I spend my time doing what I personally enjoy. Which is
reading and learning. I'm not a millionaire (I don't work
hard enough for that.) But I make more money than most.
But I have a good life. And a good living. I have control
over my fate. Freedom to do the things I want. And a few
good friends I've met along the way.
This is a good business.
I recommend it to you.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
P.P.S. In a strange twist of fate, Jim has given me some
GREAT ideas for my business.
What goes around comes around.
If you want to get your hands on some great ideas for
your business just head on over to: Click Here"
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
NEVER use dashes, coffee, auto pilot
Hi again,
OK. I made a booboo. And I gotta straighten this one out
right now.
The URL I talked about for John is:
You MUST use the dashes. I forgot to list it that way and
it sucks because someone else got credit they didn't
If you didn't read yesterday's article, it's a nify one.
You can snag it by emailing:
This IS a prime example of why NOT to use dashes in URL's.
Like, who is gonna remember when they tell their friends?
John? Why don't you get the guys or gals at
to add an affiliate link over to
Maybe offer a free report like:
"How a Baywatch beauty left TV, picked up a pen and makes
more money by noon than she did all week as a TV star!
"Who else wants to live the life of a movie star by
sitting on their tush writing words even a monkey can
Gosh -- maybe I've had too much coffee this morning
already. Actually, it's a good headline for another web
site aimed at our little online market of non- corporate
rabid buyers.
Speaking of my crack team called MILCERS ...
All you MILCERS ( reading this...hope you
liked the war story about the cappuccino's. Don't you hate
it when you go to a seminar and the coffee at the hotel
tastes like water?
I'm doing a brand new inner circle site for MILCERS that's
gonna rock. 'N part of it is going to be some good stuff
on coffee...amongst the other oddball uniqunesses (that's
not a word...don't use this one at school kids) I've
wrapped up into MILCERS.
Whatever you sell, don't bore people. And add your
personality to it.
Boring = bad
In the case of MILCERS, in the newsletters, the new web
site, articles, conference calls and so forth, I talk
about my penchant for drinking coffee -- which is actually
based on scientific studies showing it increases
I talk about health and fitness -- because you can't write
copy or create products if the arteries in your brain are
clogged up with cholesterol gook.
And I talk about my passion -- creating income streams and
putting them on auto pilot. I have a challenge there
because people think "everyone teaches that."
And as soon as people think THAT, you're a commodity.
Here's the formula:
commodity = few sales
Or stated more simply:
commodity = bad
But if you think everyone else teaches what I teach, ask
'em how much time they work per day.
Me? I write an email most days now. That takes 20-30 min.
I talk to Lisa 30 min. to 1 hour a day (I should keep it
to 30 min. but I get carried away joking around about
crazy stuff.)
That's pretty much my work day. I drink lots of coffee and
tea. I spend most of my days doing what I enjoy --
People object, "Marlon, you can't put income streams on
auto pilot. Someone has to do the work."
ANSWER: Yep, that's right. Just not YOU! I talked to Bill
Harrison ( this weekend. He got my Digital
Product Creation System in which I document ads and videos
we used at different points to get freelancers to do stuff
for us.
The thing is, Bill took this auto pilot concept to a new
level by hiring a marketing coordinator. It's a great
auto-pilot kind of idea.
The reason is that repetitive marketing actions are
b-o-r-i-n-g. And most entrepreneurs like coming up with
ideas but not actually DOING them.
Sound familiar?
I'm gonna try to twist Bill's arm and do an interview with
him about this for my Gold MILCERS monthly audio.
The other thing that is required is constant creativity.
If you come up with a good idea, others with no good idea
will take your idea.
It's kinda like your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend. Or
the reason people who don't have stuff steal from those
who do.
You can protect yourself with trademarks and patents. Or
invent faster than they can steal. For someone to try to
steal MILCERS away from me, they're gonna have to lie.
'Cause MILCERS is about the "brain, lifestyle and money
systems of yours truly."
How about YOU? Are you selling a commodity that is like
what everyone else is selling?
Or have you put your own personality into it? Or at least
made it unique and different from what everyone else and
their dog is doing?
Best wishes,
PS: I apologize if I talked too much about MILCERS today.
It's on my mind 'cause we're all jazzed about the new
MILCERS site we're just now starting to create.
It'll be 2 weeks to a month before you see what I'm
excited about. It's a little like the "clone Marlon's
brain" site.
It'll have travel, coffee, MILCERS articles, newsletters
-- and, of course, stuff about creating income streams and
putting them on auto pilot.
If you aren't a member, do it now!
Get the details: Get Your Profits
Monday, August 20, 2007
I about FAINTED today at the SUB shop when...
I just got back from a seminar. So I still have jet lag.
But I couldn't wait to tell you a little story that
happened today.
I told you last week about how John from
helped me get my stuff copied at the Big Seminar.
Well, I wrote that little article to say thanks to John.
Now get this.
I have this little sub shop I go to and drink ice tea at
(at the outdoor tables). I mentioned the name of this
place in my speech at the Big Seminar.
John must have actually been paying attention.
'Cause today when I went there, the lady behind the
counter said, "Someone called here for you!"
I about freagin' fainted!
I mean, who would call THERE for me? It's a little place.
Nothing special in that sense.
She said, "His name was John from and he
asked if he could buy you a gift certificate here."
Good gosh!
John went to the trouble to figure out what sub shop I
drink tea at.
That's what you call a big WOW!.
Do you think I'm gonna forget who John is any time soon?
(By the way, the nice lady behind the counter didn't know
what to think when I told her John's wife used to be on
Anyway, what's this got to do with YOU, your pocketbook,
your money?
Simple. I'm layin' on you the key to connecting with
people and landing those juicy joint ventures you've been
salivating over like a junk yard dog getting whiff of a
Rib eye steak drenched in A1 sauce.
Elsewhere, I'm at this seminar this past week. And the
hotel didn't have coffee worth jack. Now, if you're one of
my MILCER'S you know I'm a big coffee drinker ('cause it
stimulates the neurons in your brain that spark creative
moneymaking ideas).
So I just can't tolerate coffee that resembles colored
I walk in the brisk Cleveland air down to the Marriot
where they got themselves a Starbucks. I order up a piping
hot Cappuccino. And while I'm there, I snag some extras
for a few of the people 'n friends at the seminar.
You think they weren't overjoyed to get the freebie
I gave one to Brian Sacks, chief honcho at
Dean Jackson got one. The infommercial guru Ted Thomas.
Perry Marshall. And I even got one for Yanik before his speech
'cause he was a little bleary eyed from the night before.
You know why I did this?
'Cause of John. John inspired me.
Now, why don't you go and do thou likewise. Go out of your
way to do nice things for those you wanna network with.
And even those you don't.
I think you'll find you get a much WARMER reception than
if you just bark out your canned line of, "Hey, wanna sell
my product to your list. I pay a commission."
Try it. You might just like it.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
P.S. If you want a lot more great strategies, methods, and
tools to GET NEW CUSTOMERS, sell your stuff and mine the
back end, you gotta lay your hands on my renowned Cash
Like Clockwork System.
Get all the details: Get Your Profits
1. It's the most in-depth, comprehensive, A to Z System in
its class. That's why it's different from everything else.
2. It has audio for your car, video to watch on TV,
manuals to read in bed or at lunch.
3. It ain't gonna be at the price it's at now for much
longer. I'm planning on more than doubling the price
before long.
Go there NOW: Get Your Profits
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sales Message Generation Software
Push Button Letters Software
Sales Message Generation Software
Reviewed by Andrea Collare
Finally, a product that compels me to be systematic and efficient. The Sales Message Generation Software forces one to be not only an organized writer, but also an orderly thinker, which is a must in communicating copy effectively.
Several templates for sales letters are provided in which you can point and click on your choice. Try them all out if you like to see which one best fits your current needs. Once you get to the actual template, you simply answer the questions. If you need it to be, this entire system can aid you in, literally, a “fill in the blank” manner. However, for those who wish to add their own creative flair, there is still plenty of room to ad-lib as long as you use Sanders structured guidance. Even the most scatter-brained writer will be able to utilize this method.
In addition to the step-by-step templates, Sanders inserts psychological motivators into the peripheral dialogue. A wealthy list of words are incorporated into the copy that will become your own. If you open your eyes and look around, you’ll quickly notice that you are surrounded by ads filled with these exact tried and true phrases which are based on a Yale study of persuasive language. Using this proven lingo, Sanders provides headline templates for your letters.
In Sales Message Generation Software, Marlon Sanders has taken a sometimes complex process and simplified it for the potential marketer. Using the formula he has developed, Sanders takes the reader by hand and leads him, or her, step by step through the process of writing a sales letter. This software contains a point by point method that is clear not only to the experienced but also to beginners. You truly do not have to be familiar with selling tactics. Sanders has already completed this legwork for you.
I am not an organized writer. In fact, my writings can be quite chaotic. The outline method combined with question and answer fill-in-the-blanks in this software was invaluable. Not only is it easy to follow, it was also a massive time-saver. Collecting ones business ideas can be a monumental endeavor not to mention having the ability to present them in an effective manner. This Sales Message Generation Software does just what it promises, it generates sales messages and letters, quickly and effectively, proficiently communicating information to your client.
--Andrea Collare
Andrea writes professionally and, as such, was compensated for preparing this review.
Push Button Letters Software
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Benefits of the "Black Mask Project"
The Black Mask Project is the best selling e-book. You can read below why:
The Black Mask Project
1) The guide is created by the same team behind two of the fastest-selling Clickbank ebook of all time: the Day Job Killer...which sold over 7,000 copies on the first day of its release...and Affiliate Project X, which sold over 6,000 copies in the first week. The reason for the massive success of these money-making guides is simple: people who bought them made money, so the success spread and went viral all over the internet! So, you can clearly see that Google's Dirty Little Secret is going to be THE number One money-making affiliate guide for 2007!
2) The ebook contains the kind of stealthy, underground and downright nasty techniques (stolen from the successful and rich internet money-makers) which the Day Job Killer team is widely renowned for. It is very short and straight to the point, less than 100 pages and is extremely easy to read. It has no fluff, no hype, no outdated black hat redundant techniques that doesn't work any more. The techniques are being used right now by a few people in-the-know who are making a killing with it online.
3) Most people don't want to buy information on how to make money online from the so-called "gurus" in Internet Marketing because they can't relate to the average struggling individual. This ebook is not just a re-hash of the same weak information that you get with those gurus. This system is compiled by a very clever but average guy who just happened to 'crack' Google's secret formula and is now make big money every day online. So, you know you're dealing with someone who understands what it's really like to have to struggle hard for a living.
4) The techniques are very easy to learn. You don't have to be a computer genius, or an online marketing expert, or have a degree in physics, or learn any special new skills to use them to start making big money online. Anyone can do it, even your 7-year old nephew or your 80-year old grandmother.
5) The techniques in the ebook shows affiliates how to avoid losing money on PPC campaigns like Adwords: it reveals more powerful and effective alternative ways for the average affiliate to make money from Google other than having to buy expensive clicks...and then handing the profits right back to pay for the campaign costs. Without the Google secrets contained in this ebook, it is damn near impossible to make substantial money online without risking unbearable amounts buying PPC traffic and losing the shirt off your back in the process.
6) The ebook exposes all the misleading myths about making money with Google Adsense: most people will NEVER make more than pocket change from Adsense...while a few savvy individuals make millions of dollars every year. Google's Dirty Little Secret reveals the whole truth about what is really going on behind the scenes, why most of the Adsense guides out there are worse than useless and how the smart few underground Adsense multi-millionaires are making a killing, laughing all the way to the bank every single day of their lives...and explains how to easily copy their secret formula to grab a piece of the Google mountain of wealth that awaits every one who discovers the formula.
7) You don't have to be rich or have a lot of money to invest in order to start making money with the Google's Dirty Little Secret techniques. Inside the ebook, you will find little-known ways of making money with Google which will generate a huge profit...but without having to spend a lot of money to implement them. You will learn very clever tricks and short-cut ways of 'stealthily' siphoning off huge amounts of money from other clueless marketers without them even knowing what's happening until it's too late.
8) You will be entitled to free lifetime updates on the program. These techniques are so hard-core and stealthy that they work phenomenally well in today's online marketplace. But of course, as we know, nothing on the internet ever stays the same. When these internet changes happen, Google's Dirty Little Secret will get updated to reflect them so that you continue to make money. And as a buyer of the ebook, you will receive these updates to the program for free whenever they occur, no matter how long ago you bought your copy.
9) Getting large volumes of quality traffic from Google to your website is damn hard to do, right? Wrong? Not when you use the powerful, little-known and highly efficient techniques contained in the blueprint. The ebook reveals some of the easiest and most effective ways to drive hungry, motivated buyers to any website, quickly and without any effort, anytime you wish. The techniques are designed to be easy, fast and furious, so you don't even have to know anything at all about SEO and traffic to be able to start using them immediately.
10) You will NEVER find the techniques anywhere else on the planet...because these are not methods used by regular Internet Marketers. This ebook was created out of a system which is being used by such highly secretive individuals that there is absolutely zero chance of you ever meeting them in your life. So, the information you'll discover in the ebook is literally priceless.
Click here
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
How to Get Ideas For Your Own Products
This weekend I dropped by Circuit City to
buy a couple electronic gizmos.
While there, I noticed they had these totally
smoking hot new DVD RECORDERS.
You heard right. These puppies are not just
They record!
I felt this big rush of excitement as I thought,
"Wow, this makes it brain dead simple to transfer
some of my old VHS speeches to DVD. Not to
mention the ability to record TV programs straight
to DVD.
"What's more, I can plug my video camera right
into the front of it using the i-link (firewire)
thingy and record video straight to DVD.
How handy.
So I whipped out my debit card and snagged myself
one of 'em.
....When I got home, the fun began.
I hooked it up. Pushed record and...
All I got was an error message saying I had to take
the DVD through set up.
I tried and tried. Couldn't do it. To say it
wasn't "intuitive" would be an understatement.
I took a break. Got frustrated. Decided to read
the stupid manual.
Of course, I have a cable box. And NONE of the
hook up instructions covered how to hook it up
if you had cable.
So I go back to the store I bought it from and asked
for instructions. I bought a bunch more cords and
stuff. Hooked it up like the guy at the store said.
So I actually went to a DIFFERENT store and bought
another one, planning on returning the first one.
The second one had the same exact idiot set up
screen and manual as the first one.
Different product. Same manual!
Geez Louise.
Now, I'm already missin' more hair in the middle
of my head than I'd quite honestly prefer. But
I'm pretty sure now I'm missing even more.
'Cause I started pulling it out!
Well, it still doesn't work.
Why am I telling you this story? Because I went
to the bookstore and bought a book about hooking
up this kind of stuff. Didn't solve my problem.
But what it shows is that when people have a
problem causing them aggravation, they'll pay
to fix it. And every aggravation you have is
an opportunity to make money by selling something
that fixes the aggravation.
The other thing I can tell you is that there are
only three basic things we sell: Time, money and
Whatever you sell either saves people time, money
or energy (for example, eliminating frustration).
Or it helps the person have more of thoses things
in some way or the other.
The next time you are about to pull your hair
out, here's what I want you to think, "Someone
is going to make a fortune by solving this
And sooner or later maybe a problem will come
along where YOU decide to be the one who
solves it and makes a fortune doing so.
THAT is how you get great ideas for your
own products.
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
P.S. If you want to get a great deal of insight
into creating and selling your own problem-
solving info product, I have an inexpensive
"gets-you-started" intro crash courses at:
Get Your Profits
Monday, July 30, 2007
Free Website Builder
Heard of NVU?
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Free Website Editor
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Eleven "hidden" Sources of Traffic
How often do you find yourself saying...
"If only I knew how to get traffic like the big boys"
Well, here's your exclusive opportunity.
Look over the shoulder of "Mr X" as he shows you how
he took a website from 151 unique visitors to over a
whopping 60,000 in less than 5 days.( and he didn't
have to pay a dime in advertising)
Sources of Traffic
This is THE 'missing link' to getting you MASSIVE
traffic without having to burn a hole in your pocket.
Go see:
Sources of Traffic
We're talking about real CRASHING tsunami of unique,
laser targeted, hungry visitors.
This is NOT:
* Viral Marketing
* A Guaranteed Visitors package
* A Search Engine Submission Tool
* An Ebook teaching you to write Ezine articles
* A Yahoo listing technique
* Search Engine Cloaking
* An Expired domains redirection
* A Forums Posting Technique
And the best part is, you got to know about this before
anyone else. (I called in some serious favors to make
sure of this)
RUN, don't walk to:
Sources of Traffic
Unless you want the competition to get there before you.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Lost Genius Reveals How to Write Sales Materials that Sell
(or "Bruce Barton's 6 Points for Writing Ads")
by Joe Vitale
Hypnotic Library
Bruce Barton was a celebrity in the 1920s. He was a
bestselling author, confidant to presidents, master
copywriter, philanthropist, congressman, and co-founder
of the largest advertising agency in the world, BBDO.
He helped five men become US Presidents. He wrote a
fund raising letter that got a 100% response. The only
book ever written on Barton and his ideas is The Seven
Lost Secrets of Success. I recently discovered Barton's
six points for writing ads, which he probably delivered
in a speech in the early 1930s. Here they are, as Bruce
Barton himself delivered them:
1. The theme. "A lot of time and money is wasted by
our failure to think through and get a theme before we
start. The theme ought to be based on two
principles---first, that a man is interested in
himself; second, that he is interested in other people.
Our formula for Every Week (magazine) was Youth, Love,
Success, Money, and Health---all things in which people
are vitally interested."
2. Interesting headlines. "I think any public notice I
may have had has come from titles. Nobody was more
surprised than I when The Man Nobody Knows became a
best seller. The title is what sold the book."
Barton also mentioned that when he edited magazines, he
often used provocative titles to stir up controversy
and interest. Examples included, "Why I never hire any
woman under 30," "How my wife has hindered me in
business," and the other side of the question, "How my
wife has helped me in business." These interesting
headlines guaranteed readership.
3. The visualization. Barton didn't elaborate on this.
But I'm sure he was referring to the layout of any
sales piece. He once said, "A picture is worth two
pages of type, and a headline is worth almost all the
rest of the ad put together." For Barton, the
illustration, headline, and body copy made up the
layout, or visualization, of any sales piece.
4. The copy. "The introduction can be eliminated
almost always. The mind starts cold when you begin to
write, and you don't get into high until the second or
third paragraph. Cut out the introduction, and then you
have a good hot start.
"Another elementary fundamental of advertising is to
make the copy fit the space. To this day, I never write
a piece of copy without counting the words. The
picture, the headline, and the layout should be set
before you begin the copy. To me, writing the copy
before you have visualized the layout is backwards."
5. Adjectives. "After you finish a piece of copy, go
back and cut out all the adjectives. Henry Ward
Beecher's father was once chairman of a committee to
draw up resolutions on slavery. One sentence in his
resolution read: 'It is an outrage.' Some one suggested
that it should read: 'It is a terrible outrage.'
Beecher said that was the way he had it in his first
draft, but he had cut out the word 'terrible' for the
sake of emphasis.
"Adjectives are like the leaves on a switch. They make
the switch look pretty, but if you want to hit a blow
that will cut, you take off the leaves. Literature that
cuts has very few adjectives. The greatest things in
life are expressed in one-syllable words---love, hate,
fear, home, wife, child."
6. A purpose. "We should never write an ad without the
idea that something is going to happen. What do we want
the reader to do? Write with the conviction that he is
going to do something when he gets through reading---go
to the store and buy; clip the coupon and mail it. And
remember the power of the direct command. Don't say,
'If you would like this beautiful booklet, we will be
glad to send it.' Say, 'Sit down right now and fill in
this coupon.' People want things made easy; they want
you to make up their minds for them."
Click here to learn more about Hypnotic Library
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Three Key Ingredients For Success
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a successful Internet Marketer and an Internet Marketer who struggles most of the time?
I know I have wondered that time and time again, because I used to be a struggling Internet Marketer,until something changed.
At first I couldn't quite put my finger on it, then over time I realized the little shift that happened in my thinking that transformed me from someone who couldn't even pay his bills to someone who could take charge of his life and create the success he deserved.
It wasn't as simple as reading an ebook that gave me that "one technique for getting traffic or building a list".
It wasn't about copywriting.
It wasn't about my newsletter.
It wasn't about search engines.
It wasn't about web pages.
It wasn't about forms, or autoresponders, or email.
It was about my thinking.
I figured out how to change my thinking in order to achieve the level of success I enjoy today.
What if you could learn to think just like Kevin Wilke and Matt Gill of Nitro Marketing?
Would you be better at your online business if you developed your mind to excel in:
1. Getting Started
2. Focus
3. Follow Through
What If I told you that there is a special audio preview of their new Mega-Audio Series "The Nitro Marketing Mindset".
If you want to check it out to learn what you can do to change the way you think click here.
Monday, July 9, 2007
The Secret Trick Internet Marketing Pros Are Using to Rake in the Dough (and don't want you to find out about)
I've got a little secret that can give you instant credibility online, plus more response, more leads and more money in your pocket.
This secret can make you look like a million dollars, and it costs only $39/year.
I have a friend, a real 'Internet Marketing Guru', who doesn't want me to tell you, or anyone, about this little trick. He thinks that if the average person knows about this it will be harder for the experienced Internet marketer to distinguish himself/herself from everyone else.
I agree with him -- it WILL change the playing field. But I also believe you deserve to know about it.
So I'm going to let the cat our of the bag...
I'll be straight forward.
I'm just like you. I work real hard. I want to give back to my family and the community. I want to do more.
I do real well financially, now. But there was a time when I was selling my furniture to pay for rent. It was a time I'd like to forget. I was totally BROKE.
During those 'dark days' I was told a very powerful and important lesson:
No matter how little you have, NEVER LOOK BROKE!
There is nothing 'wrong' with being broke. It doesn't mean anything about YOU. Just your situation.
I know that. You know that. But the people you want to do business with... THEY may not know that.
You Must Look Successful if You Want to Attract Success!
Looking successful (and acting that way) was a very important part of my success. Eventually, I became how I saw myself and how I presented myself to others.
Very rich.
I'm going to show you how to do this, too.
On the Internet, most people have these rinky-dink websites that look like they were put together by a 12-year old. THEY LOOK BROKE!
which may look a little more professional, but... THEY STILL LOOK LIKE A LITTLE GUY!
Besides, not even their own mother can remember their complicated website address!
I'm going to show you how to look like you OWN the website -- like the smart guy who runs the show. LIKE THE BIG GUY.
I'm going to show you how you can look like
-- You OWN your network marketing company
-- You OWN NameStick
-- You OWN YouCanAutomate
-- You OWN all the companies you have affiliate links with...
Are you ready?
Here's the secret...
It's called:
NAME STICK (the technical term is URL Frame Forwarding)
And until recently, this wasn't affordable or even comprehensible for the little guy.
Here's how it works:
1. You get a catchy URL
2. You forward the URL to your link
3. You forward it in a frame so your URL stays in the browser
(What's a URL? It's a website address. i.e. is a URL. Got it? Good.)
This used to require hundreds of dollars and a Phd in Computer Science to make happen.
But now you can now do all this with:
-- Zero programming experience, and
-- $39/year
This is AMAZING!
With virtually no effort I have a SLEW of websites that look like I'm the OWNER of the sites:
... and many more
Now I tell people, 'check out my site at' and they remember it!
I look like a million dollars because it's someone else's million dollar website, but it's my URL in their lucrative affiliate program!
Can you see how this would work for you?
You can use this to:
-- Recruit up! People who want to see YOUR COMPANY'S website -- Big dogs want to deal with big dogs.
-- Expand your audience - different URL's attract people with different needs (I forward several to the same site - more on this below)
-- Impress your family members who said you would never amount to anything... grrr!
-- Have something SIMPLE to put on your business cards
-- When someone at a party asks you what you do you can say, 'I own a number of online properties... you may have heard of'
It's important to chose the name of your URL wisely because
on the Internet...
People don't get to remember your face. They don't get to remember your voice. They don't get to remember your charm.
The only thing they get to remember is your website name!
So.... Make it readable. Make it easy to say on the phone! Make it easy to remember. Make it as short as possible.
Let me show you step-by-step how easy this is to do. You can only get all the affiliate advantages and a super-low price at YOURAFFILIATELINK
2. Search for a Catchy and Professional URL for your business (and EACH Affiliate program you are promoting) (i.e. I have for my site at )
3. Register the domains ($39/1 year or only $64/2 years!)
4. Login to your account
5. Click on Website Forwarding and enter the link of your affiliate program (i.e. )
6. Click on 'Cloaking'
7. Wait 72 hours...
That's IT!
Can you believe how easy that is! Now you or ANYONE can have A LIST OF SITES that are easy-to- remember and make you look like a million dollars.
Go make your mother-in-law eat her words! :-) Brag to your corporate peers that you own the hottest Home Business website on the Internet. ( from Click Here
When they ask, did you develop that? Just say, 'No way, are you kidding? I had other people develop that for me.' :-)
This is YOUR Internet. It's time to look like you really own it. It's time to play with the big dogs.
Matt Gill
Name Stick
P.S. I do have the best software to totally automate and personalize your email marketing and follow-up with prospects, downline, new announcements, affiliate program marketing and training... (and more!)
OK... its really an affiliate link for my friend's very cool software program! :-)
P.S.S. One last secret tip. Don't limit your sales/visitors/sign-ups by the ONE GREAT URL you are using for ANY SITE, whether it is forwarded or actually hosting content.
Use 2 or 3 (or 10) GREAT domains for increased results!
Expand your audience! Different URL's attract people with different needs - different *hot buttons* Click Here
Friday, July 6, 2007
Search Engines BAN affiliate links!
From the Desk of Eric Owens
VP of Business Development -
A question that I frequently hear from my clients is:
"Do I really need to have my own domain name to
get my distributor or affiliate link listed in the
Search Engines?"
The one word answer is 'YES.'. First, many search
engines are 'truncating' distributor & affiliate
links (reducing them to the basic link, which is
often the company website minus the your distributor
or affiliate code), or even worse...
search engines are banning affiliate links,
and blacklisting subdomains of the parent company
that contain certain obvious characters that
are not obviously part of the base site.
Second, a very common practice is for your visitors
to just 'cut off' or remove the affiliate code from
the end of your link and just go directly to the
parent company and 'bypass' your rightful commissions.
The parent company still gets the same number of
sales, but your commissions go untracked.
Fortunately, there is an easy way to overcome this.
Click Here
As a network marketing distributor and affiliate,
there are a number of reasons why having your
own domain name is a must:
1) When you have your own domain name, the address
of your web site will be of the form
On the other hand, if your website is just a company
replicated website on one of the free servers,
the address of your web site will be something like
Which of these two sounds more professional?
Which of these two is smaller and is easier to remember?
Which of these two would you click on?
2) The only way to make money online is to build
up credibility with your prospects and customers.
Having your own domain name is the first step in
doing that. Your customers will feel more comfortable
buying whatever it is that you are selling if you
have your own domain name. It makes your customers
feel that they are dealing with a large,
established company, rather than with some
fly by night operator.
3) When you have your domain name, you can have
multiple email aliases of the form
This allows you to assign different email aliases
to different functions, all of them pointing to
your actual email address. Hence, for example,
for questions related to the products and services
that you sell, you can have an email address like For questions related to the
newsletter that you publish, you can have an email
address like
For comments/suggestions about your web site,
you can direct your customers to or
Having different email addresses for different
functions not only makes it easier for you to
filter your email using your email client program
(Eudora Pro, Pegasus Mail, Outlook Express etc.),
but also gives your customers the impression that
yours is a large, established company with whom
it is safe to do business.
4) Many search engines give a lot of emphasis to
the home page of a particular domain.
So, other factors remaining the same, a home page
of a domain will often rank higher for a particular
keyword than any other page. When you submit your
long, obvious affiliate link, your index.html
page is the home page of your site, but not of
that domain. In these search engines, your site
will find it very difficult to make it to the
top 20 or top 30, let alone the top 10 for some
of the really competitive keywords. Just think of
the amount of traffic that you will lose if this
5) Many major search engines are now refusing
to spider the web sites that contain obvious
affiliate coding.
For instance, a link that includes these characters
backslashes, cgi-bin, and affiliate numbers or
usernames, would, until recently, have got the
infamous error message saying that too many pages
have been submitted from your site if you tried
to submit your site to AltaVista.
While AltaVista now says that 'your URL has been
submitted for processing' if you try to submit
your site, rest assured that it will not spider
any site obviously belonging to affiliate programs
any more - even if it says that your site has
been accepted. Can you afford that?
6) You will also find it very difficult to get an
affiliate link listed in a major directory like
Yahoo!. Although Yahoo! will never admit that it
won't add a commercial site which is hosted by an
affiliate program, in practice, it will be a
miracle if you can get your site listed by Yahoo!.
Listing your site with Yahoo! is difficult enough
even when you have your own domain. Don't make
your task more difficult than what it needs to be.
If you do not currently have a domain name to
promote your affiliate program, are you convinced
that you need one right now?
The small fee that you pay per year for your own
domain name is peanuts compared to the benefits
that you get. You can check out the availability
of domain names and register new domains at
Click Here
You can now also customize the Title, Keywords and
Description tags for your domain. This gives you
advanced search engine optimization for higher
search engine rankings. Almost all affiliate links
are NOT indexed by any of the major search engines.
NameStick Domains are.
Eric Owens is the Vice President of Business Development
and Search Engine Specialist for
Affiliates - In Under 7 Minutes You Can Explode Click
Throughs (And Profits) By 327% Or More Using This Easy
To Use Tool. Click Here
Monday, June 25, 2007
Black Hat Mask
Finally someone has uncovered the real-deal insider-secrets that everyone can use to make lots of money from Google Adsense. It doesn't matter if you are a complete newbie, seasoned AdSense pro or ClickBank affiliate. You can start making money using those techniques from Black Hat Adsense.
Click Here! and learn how to make serious money from Adsense.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
U.S. President Teaches You Marketing!
Dear Friend:
Crazy as it sounds, the next U.S. President, whether it's
Bush or Kerry, is gonna help you sell more of your stuff.
"Oh, yeah. Right Marlon. Let's see you 'splain this one to
No seriously. Read this email for the complete scoop. It
ain't gonna cost you a cent, pound or peso. So wadda you
got to lose?
Well, it's election time again in the U.S. You guys and
gals in UK, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada and so
forth are probably even hearing about it.
The candidates are making their final whistle stops. It's
a good time to talk the marketing of a President.
There's a lot YOU can learn from this year's election that
can show you the path to selling more of your stuff.
Isn't it kind of strange that the most prestigious job in
the U.S. comes down to one thing --
See, marketing is about selecting MARKETS for a product or
service and designing an APPEAL to that MARKET that will
get a response.
That's what marketing is. The study of and appeal to
markets. I bet a lot of people teaching marketing don't
even understand that.
Yeah, you have the traditional marketing mix of product,
price, promotion and distribution (or place).
But at heart, it's just about markets. Who is in the
market for MY product (or service).
Think of it like this: The President IS a product that is
sold to markets. Who are those markets?
Gays, lesbians, religious groups, right wing, left wing,
investors, educators, labor unions, moms 'n dads,
corporations, small businesses, and so forth.
You will hear each of the candidates specifically pick out
certain of those groups and make an appeal or promise to
The appeal or promise is essentially a HEADLINE. It's the
articulation of a promise or a benefit.
A candidate is in the JOB of picking out groups or markets
and making a PROMISE to them of a BENEFIT.
If you WATCH TV, you'll see them speaking to different
groups, making appearances at schools, labor union
rallies, army groups, educators and so forth.
All in an effort to GET PUBLICITY for a marketing message
delivered to a specific group or audience.
They don't give a speech 'cause they wanna get their
message to the local PTA. They do it because they'll get
national media coverage and gratus media coverage.
So instead of paying for radio ads or TV spots, they get
advertising without forking over any green stuff.
You'll notice they use all the media: TV, radio,
billboards, publicity, direct mail, telephones, and more
I'm not thinking of right now.
Heck, they even have the equivalent of a commissioned
affiliate program -- you help ME get elected, and you'll
get pork barrell legislation back in return, or you'll
get a cushy cabinet position...or somethin' along those
What can YOU learn from this?
What GROUPS are you aiming specific promises or messages
at for your product or service?
Even the President lives and dies by marketing. And if he
or she needs to know it, don't you think YOU better know
it too?
Best wishes,
Marlon Sanders
P.S. If'n you want a crash course in marketing (both
online and offline), you can get it at: getyourprofits
(By the way, if you problems on your PayPal limit, we have
an alternative payment method. Just live chat us
You may not make it to running for President. But I bet
you can get a better job, start a more successful
business, promote your group or organization with more
success -- or help your kids be more successful in life.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Michael Rasmussen's "Email Promos Exposed" Video Series: How to Write Killer Email Promos That Get Results!
Have you ever been faced with the task of having
to write an email promotion to your list, and
then realized that you didn't know what to say or
how to say it?
Michael Rasmussen's new video course "Email
Promos Exposed" promises to solve that problem
for you by walking you through the actual process
of creating killer email promos step-by-step.
If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos: emailpromosexposed
I decided to see if Michael's videos live up to
their promise by trying them out myself. Here's
what I found:
Overall Quality
The first thing I noticed when I opened up the
first video was the stunning production quality.
He used Camtasia Studio for the production, which
is now the industry standard for creating
high-quality screen capture video products. The
audio is near studio quality, and the graphics
are very professional. These videos were made by
someone who KNOWS what he's doing. Well done!
I also liked how Michael divided the videos up by
section, and then again by sub-section. For
example, one video is all about the subject line,
and then there are different parts of that video
that each cover a certain area of crafting a
killer subject line.
Now let's move onto...
Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously
it's impossible to list every single thing here,
but I want you to get a feel for what each one
covered, and how well it covered it.
If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this
URL to get instant free access to these videos: emailpromosexposed
This video served as an introduction to the whole
course. You get to see a picture of Michael in
his every day life, and he establishes his
credibility right up front by talking about some
of his massive successes online. He even provides
proof of credibility by displaying two checks in
the amount of $50,000 and $25,000 which prove
that, when it comes to the subject of making
money with email promos, he knows his stuff.
This is a good lesson for anyone to get. Whenever
you're teaching people how to do something, it's
good to establish your credibility up front, so
that there's no doubt about whether or not you're
qualified to talk about the subject. Most product
developers either skip or minimize this step.
This video talks about some things that no other
marketer has bothered to mention. You'll learn
things like:
* The mindset you need in order to write a killer
* The different tools you need before you get
* How to keep your emails laser-focused
* How to create an outline that practically
writes the email for you.
This was a fantastic video, and did a good job of
kicking things off.
I liked this video, because it talked about one
of MY biggest weaknesses when it comes to writing
email promos... the subject line. The subject
line is a confusing topic, because nobody's 100%
sure what the best tactics are.
Michael breaks it down, and reveals:
* The biggest secret for writing a subject line
that makes people insanely curious.
* Techniques for personalizing the subject line.
* Mistakes to avoid when using personalization.
I was surprised to find that I was making some of
the mistakes that Michael mentioned in this
video, but now I know better.
This is where a lot of people slack off when
writing their emails. Michael talks about how
important it is to create an opening that is
conversational, and then reveals techniques and
examples on how to do that.
He also reveals:
* How to get people to keep reading your email
once they've opened it.
* How to make your opening interesting.
* Mistakes to avoid when creating your first few
This is one of the "meatiest" portions of the
course, because it reveals techniques that are
not widely discussed on the forums, blogs, and in
most eBooks. He talks about the importance of
keeping your body copy tight and relevant, and
then reveals how you can do that. You'll also
* How to write powerful bullets that make people
curious and want to find out more.
* Simple formatting tricks for making your body
copy easy to read.
* The secret of "bucket brigade copy" and how to
use it in your email promos to force people to
keep reading.
This is where a lot of people wimp out in their
email promos. They start out strong, but when it
comes time to ask the reader to click the link
and take action, they don't know what to say.
Michael talks about some of his favorite
techniques for making that happen, and also
* The "magic question" to ask yourself that will
make your close much more powerful.
* The secret of the "unanswered question" and why
handling this is a surefire way to get people to
act right away.
* The structure of a powerful close.
* Mistakes people make when creating their close.
Some people say that the P.S. is one of the most
important parts of the email, because it is often
the one thing that gets people to click the link
at the end. In this video, Michael talks about:
* Why you should including a P.S. at the end of
your email.
* The 4 different kinds of P.S.'s you can use
(this section was a real eye-opener for me).
I loved this video, because it showed me some
mistakes that I was making that I wasn't even
aware of. Unless you're a seasoned pro, you're
probably guilty of some of the things that
Michael talks about in this video as well, and
that's why it's so valuable. I've shaved years
off my learning curve, because now I can avoid
some of the costly mistakes that I was bound to
make in the learning process.
This video alone is going to make me a lot of
money. Why? Because I used to only send out one
email promo for each affiliate promotion I was
doing. Michael showed me in this video how
important it is to send a follow-up promotion,
and he showed me exactly how to do it. He covered
things like:
* The psychology of follow-up email promo's.
* The 2 main types of follow-up promos that make
the most money.
* How to overcome readers' objections in your
follow up emails.
* The 2 most common mistakes people make when
writing follow-ups and how to avoid them.
Every marketing guru out there says that the REAL
money is on the back end. I'd have to agree with
them, but the problem is... most people have no
idea how to set up a back end system that makes
money. This video will teach you how to set up an
automated back end that's loaded with killer
promos that make you lots of cash on autopilot.
He reveals things like:
* The big difference between regular and back end
email promos.
* How to prepare a back end promotion sequence.
* Common mistakes people make when creating back
end email promos.
This could be the most important video of the
entire package for a lot of people, because most
people email their list to promote other people's
products as an affiliate. Let's face it, if you
only have 3 products, can you really afford to
only email your list 3 times a year? They'll get
bored hearing about the same old products over
and over again. This video sheds some light on
how to create killer affiliate promos. Michael
reveals things like:
* The two main types of affiliate promos.
* What makes affiliate promos different than
regular promos (and why ignoring this huge secret
could cost you big money).
* Michael's favorite tactics for creating
affiliate promos that no one else is doing.
* 3 different ways to add scarcity to your
affiliate promos (this is the most important
section of the video, so make sure you watch it
over and over again).
As you can see, Email Promos Exposed really packs
a lot of punch! Most of the courses out there
offer only watered down, weak content. Not this
one! These videos are going on my "A-list" for a
long time.
I've already watched them twice, and plan on
reviewing them every couple months to make sure
that I have the principals, techniques and
tactics burned into my mind.
If email marketing is an important part of your
business (and in my opinion, it's the most
important part of ANY online business), then you
owe it to yourself to check out Michael's
exciting new videos, Email Promos Exposed.
Here's the URL where you can get instant free access
to the videos right now.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Adsense Super Powers
We all know that super heros are fictitious characters that run around "saving the day". They don't really exist, but it would be a great world if they did, right?
Well there is a new super hero online who is real and who does exist and it's Liz Tomey over at She's working to help you make more money with Adsense. She might not save the day, but what she's got will save you a load of money and make you a load of money...
Liz has earned a 5 figure a year Adsense income for almost two years now, and wants to give you a free membership to her brand new adsensegirl site. She's revealing her "super powers" for creating an incredible stream of income with Google Adsense to you at no cost!
When you join you'll get access to....
* Interviews with Adsense experts where they reveal their strategies for creating their own Adsense incomes.
* Ready to go Adsense sites that you can install, promote, and start making money with right away.
* Exclusive products only found at that will help you make more money with Adsense
You'll also get access to the member's only Adsense forum, Adsense blog (where you'll learn everything you need to know about Adsense) incredible bonuses, and more!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Mr. Stickman Video
Click on the link below and watch the great video of Mr. Stickman. You can see the New Design Dashboard in action.
Mr. Stickman Video
New Design Dashboard Software
I found a very good Design Dashboard.
If you need to design:
* Web sites
* Sales pages
* Mini sites
* Blog graphics
* Affiliate pre-sell pages
* Landing pages
You need The New Design Dashboard.
You point. You click. You follow the big blue numbers. What could be simpler?
It's A to Z. All step-by-step screen caps supported by videos where needed. It's a MASSIVE time saver and literally takes the pain out of the learning curve.
Here's what it does for you:
End Result:
a. Your own custom web site graphics that are a cut above
b. You will do your own header graphics faster than you may imagine
c. You will know how to do special effects like scanlines and handwritten notes
d. You will be able to trick out templates you buy or create your own
e. You save costs (No Photoshop CS or Dreamweaver needed)
f. You will get step-be-step instructions on ftp, getting your shopping cart up, hooking up your autoresponders, stick letters, fly ins, and every other detail we could think of.
g. Saves you the costs of design fees. At $150-$300 per header, just ONE and you've paid for this product.
h. Even if you still use a designer, there are times when you need it NOW, not later. You 100% can do it yourself and be surprised at how good a job you DID!
i. You can create your OWN templates just as good as many of 'em you buy -- and do it fast, once you learn the steps.
j. Most templates are NOT designed for "our type" of sites. So they're never quite right. You can do it yourself, get a better result AND save.
I disagree with the "outsource everything" view. YES, you build a business. But in the beginning, there are times to outsource and times to do it yourself.
I did most everything myself early on. And as the money came in, I hired people to help out.
If you've got the bux to hire everything out, fine. But you STILL will end up waiting and waiting for designs when you could do it yourself in 10 to 30 minutes if you had a little basic knowledge.
Anyway, check it out: New Design Dashboard
Friday, June 8, 2007
RSS Cash Secrets Review
RSS Cash Secrets is a brand new site that teaches you how to create money making content sites with RSS feeds. It is free to join, but there's also a paid option. In this review I'll go in depth about what you get for free, what you get for being a paid members, and which option would be best for you.
First off, this site is great for total newbies and pros alike. For the newbies you'll learn how to quickly and easily build a content site. If you've never done anything like this before, you could probably have a site up and going in as little as 30 minutes once you have collected the resources you'll need.
Stuff like, free templates, an RSS aggregator (which is explained inside the membership), an FTP program and a program to edit HTML in. Almost all of this stuff is free with the exception of the RSS aggregator, but it's a must. Actually, I think you can even find a free RSS aggregator online. Most are hard to use which is why I'm sure the site owner is recommending the paid one because it's SO easy to use.
When you become a free member, you'll get access to the 50 minute video tutorial that will walk you through every single step of setting up a content site using RSS feeds. The RSS feeds will allow your site to continually be updated with updating content. Search engines love new content and since your site is using RSS feeds it will ALWAYS have new content each and every time the search engines visit your site.
The video also teaches you three very easy ways to make money off your site. This was probably my favorite part of the entire membership. Doing nothing but creating websites to make money is my kind of business. I never have to deal with products or anything like that. I just build the sites and drive traffic to make my money. Very easy to do and I can do it whenever I want.
Now I did upgrade to the Gold Level membership which cost me $37. As soon as you sign up you're presented with a special offer to get a Gold Level membership with many more benefits I'll tell you about in the minute, but there's a catch. The regular price for upgrading is $67, but you only have the one chance to upgrade to Gold at the $37 price so if you're going to do it, do it then. If not, you'll have to pay $67 if you ever want to upgrade.
Okay, as a Gold Member, you get...
The entire process broken down into 11 more in dpeth videos. Now the free membership gives you one big 50 minute video and it's really good, but to learn how to make big money with these sites and learn some insider tips and tricks you'r going to want to upgrade.
Plus, as a Gold Level member you'll also get 25 great looking niche templates that were specifically designed for these kind of sites. You can edit them or use them as is for your content sites. They really make the sites look good!
Not only that, but you also get access to the member's only forum. I thought ... "big deal" ... until I got on the forum. The site has traffic communities for you where members of the site are actually helping each other get traffic in many ways. It's like a traffic/advertising co-op that wont cost you in money. These are brilliant traffic strategies and this alone was worth the $37 to upgrade.
The forum also allows you to buy, sell, and/or trade links and/or sites. Getting links to your site will allow you to get traffic and selling your sites here will allow you to make some quick cash. Definitely worth the price of membership.
All in all, I am very satisfied with my Gold Level membership and highly recommend that you signup and get yours today. Using what's taught in RSS Cash Secrets is an awesome way to make some extra income or a full time one! You can get your membership by going to rsscashsecrets
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A Quick And Easy Adsense Action Plan Using Black Hat Techniques
Many people say that using black hat techniques is wrong. There's actually a huge debate over it, but there really is no right or wrong way when it comes to creating your own income with Google Adsense. We wont get into that debate here because is what I want to do is give you a real step-by-step action plan to create an income with Google Adsense using black hat techniques.
The first thing you'll want to do is decide upon a broad niche and then do keyword research. Everything always starts with keyword research when it comes to making money with Google Adsense. This isn't a little bit of keyword research either. You'll need between 1,000 - 5,000 keywords related to your niche. Why so many keywords? We'll get to that in a minute.
There are several great programs online that will allow you to do keyword research. I highly recommend that you invest in a powerful keyword research tool that will allow you to dig deep into a niche and find the required amount of keywords that you'll need. If you can't find the amount of keywords you need, you may be in too narrow of a niche.
Once you have all of your keywords, you'll need some type of site generation software. This software will allow you to load in your keywords and it will automatically generate a page of content for your keyword. So if you have 1200 keywords, the software will generate a 1200 page site.
All site generation software will work differently and some are much better than others. I would recommend that you do some research and read reviews of different site generation software that is out there. Choose what will work best for you. This will cost you some money though. The really good programs can cost a few to several hundred dollars. The amount of income you could make will far out way what you invest though if you use a good site generation software.
Once your site is up and running you'll then need to implement some traffic tactics like building blog farms, blog commenting, and basically anything that will get you backlinks to your site. With black hat sites, it's all about getting back links so that your site will rank higher in the search engines.
You'll find many black hat traffic programs and techniques by searching the Internet. It will take time and money, but once you get a system down to building and promoting these sites you and your income will be unstoppable.
Using black hat techniques is basically a numbers game. The more sites you put out there and the more backlinks your sites get, the more money you will make. Once you've invested and have everything you need make sure that you're not spending more money than your making. This can easily be done, so be sure to keep yourself in check.
That's all there really is to creating black hat sites to make money with Google Adsense. This isn't an all inclusive guide, but it's a strong plan that will get you on the right track. Research what you've learned here and create your own action plan to building black hat sites to start your own income with Google Adsense.
Liz Tomey has created hundreds of Adsense websites over the last few years. For over a year now, she's created a 5 figure income from Adsense and is now sharing all of her knowledge at Come by and get your free membership today!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
50 Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing
What Is A Joint Venture?
A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more
businesses work on a project for a set period of time.
Joint ventures can be long-term, like promoting a
product together, or some can be short-term, like
bartering (trading) products and services. Joint
venture ideas are virtually endless.
The Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing
1. You can build long lasting business relationships.
2. You can increase your credibility by teaming up
with other reputable, branded businesses.
3. You can get free products and services.
4. You can construct most joint venture deals with
little or no money.
5. You can gain new leads and customers.
6. You can get discounts on products and services.
7. You can save money on business operating costs.
8. You can beat your competition.
9. You can gain referrals from other businesses.
10. You can solve your business problems.
11. You can save valuable time.
12. You can get free and low cost advertising.
13. You can offer your customers new products and
14. You can survive a depression, recession or a
slow economy.
15. You can save money by sharing advertising and
marketing costs.
16. You can target other potential markets.
17. You can expand and grow your business quickly.
18. You can gain valuable information or skills.
19. You can increase and protect your cash flow.
20. You can find new profit outlets.
21. You can become rich and wealthy.
22. You can start almost any business at little or no
23. You can get rid of your extra inventory.
24. You can reduce and eliminate your debts and
avoid bankruptcy.
25. You can afford to sell your products at a lower
26. You can increase your opt in or ezine subscribers
for free.
27. You can get your web hosting and design for free.
28. You can save money outsourcing your workload
for free.
29. You can find hidden income streams.
30. You can exchange useless products for profitable
31. You can create new business funding and credit
32. You can reduce your taxes.
33. You can find and create new distribution channels
for your products.
34. You can give your employees more raises,
bonuses and benefits.
35. You can even trade non business stuff to
improve your personal life.
36. You can increase your sales and profits.
37. You can send your ad to huge, targeted email
lists at no cost.
38. You can eliminate employee hiring costs creating
barter outsourcing deals.
39. You can build your customer or opt-in list for
40. You can build profitable alliances with other
41. You can learn insider information from other
experts at no cost.
42. You can test your product for free.
43. You can out-sell other affiliates much easier.
44. You can increase the number of affiliates that
sign up to your reseller program.
45. You can offer more bonus products and incentives
to buy.
46. You can get highly credible endorsements and
testimonials from other experts.
47. You can quickly increase your ezine subscribers.
48. You can offer your products at lower prices than
your competition.
49. You can easily find new up sell and backend
products to sell.
50. You can create products faster and with less
These are only some of the benefits. They're endless!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A Down And Dirty Adsense Income Plan
There are several ways to make money online. One of them being Google's Adsense program. This program allows you to place ads on your sites and make money when someone clicks on those ads. Well there are just as many ways to make money with Adsense as there are ways to make money online, but in this article, I want to give you a down and dirty plan that will have you making money with Google Adsense in no time.
First, you'll need to find a software program that will allow you to do detailed keyword research. You'll need to find a keyword that has a high cost per click average. There are many software programs online that will allow you to do this. Just do a search on any search engine to find them. Some of these will cost a few hundred dollars but your income from Google Adsense should cover that in no time.
Once you have found your keyword, you'll just need to create one article around that keyword. You'll need to make sure that your content totally focuses on this one keyword though. The reason being is that keyword will make high paying Adsense ads show up on your site. This is truly the key to making this plan work, so make sure that your article is totally focused on the keyword you chose.
If you're not a writer try going to one of the freelance sites online and hire someone from there to write your article. For $5-$10 you can get a good article written that will totally be focused on your keyword. This will save you a lot of time and allow you to implement this plan over and over again quicker.
One last note about your article. The title of your article is also a very important part of your article. This needs to be something that will make people want to read your article. Almost like a headline that draws people's attention, and in just a moment, I'll explain why.
After you've gotten your article created, you'll need to build a one page site and put your article on that site. You'll then need to add your Google Adsense ads to your page. I recommend put a big square Google Adsense ad at the top of your page above your article, a skyscraper ad down the left hand side of your page, and then another big rectangle ad at the very bottom of your article.
Once your page is totally complete, you'll then need to find forums that are related to the topic of your article. For example, if you wrote an article on horses, then you'd need to find forums related to animals. If you wrote an article on roses then you'd need to find a forum on plants or gardening. I hope you get the picture.
You'll want to post in these forums and include your signature. Your signature will consist of the title of your article, and the link to your page where the article is. This is why the title of your article is so important. It's what will make people click on your link and visit your page and have them clicking on your Adsense ads. That's why it's vital that your headline be a real attention getter.
As you make more and more posts in forums, more and more people will come to your site and click on your Adsense ads. When you're not posting, create more pages by starting this entire plan all over again. You could do this for as many keywords as you want, and as time goes on, you'll see your Google Adsense income building.
Liz Tomey has created hundreds of Adsense websites over the last few years. For over a year now, she's created a 5 figure income from Adsense and is now sharing all of her knowledge at Adsense Girl. Come by and get your free membership today!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Five Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Online Auctions
It seems as if everyone is talking about online auctions. And
why not. There are thousands of online auctions on the
internet with more popping up everyday. People love them
because they can usually find great bargains. Businesses are
now also seeing the benefits of online auctions. Below are
five ways your business can benefit from online auctions.
1. Get Rid Of Excess Inventory
You could sell your excess or discontinued products at an
online auction. Your unsold inventory is doing you no good
sitting around, collecting dust. It's an effective way to make
extra income and it won't be a total loss for your business.
You could even get lucky and make a profit depending
on how much people will bid for your excess inventory.
2. Test Pricing For New Products
An easy way to test new product prices is to see what
people will bid for them at an online auction. First, sell your
product at three different online auctions. Next, calculate
the average selling bid from all three auctions and that will
be your selling price for your new product.
3. Sell Your Products
You can get your product in front of a large audience by
selling it at an online auction. Some of the bigger auction
sites draw over millions of hits a year. The key to being
successful is to sell your product at multiple online auctions
at the same time. Let's say you sold one product a day
from just one auction site. If you sell your product at one
hundred online auction sites that would be one hundred sales
a day!
4. Start Your Own Online Auction
Drive traffic to your web site by starting your own online
auction. People will visit your web site to find bargains
and to sell their own products. You will get plenty of
repeat visitors from people rebidding on products and
adding new products to sell. You could also charge other
businesses to advertise on your web site.
5. Lower Your Business Costs
You can find lower prices on business supplies and
equipment at online auctions. I'm not saying all the time, but
before you go pay retail for a new printer try bidding on
one first. A company may be selling them at a lower price
at an online auction because they have excess inventory.
Complete Turnkey Money Machine-In-A-Box!
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Internet Marketing - The System Way
Few events have had a bigger impact on business, advertising, and the direction of the computer industry than the movement to commercialize the Internet.
In this video, one of the key pioneers of the movement who helped develop many now commonly used Internet marketing methods, talks about his training philosophy and showcases success stories from a few of the thousands of people he's trained in Internet marketing over the years.
Ken McCarthy organized and sponsored the first conference ever held on the subject of Internet marketing.
Monday, May 21, 2007
3 Key Ingredients For Success
Have you ever wondered what the difference is
between a successful Internet Marketer and a
struggeling Internet Marketer?
I know I have wondered that time and time again.
After all, I used to be a struggeling Internet
Marketer, then something changed.
At first I couldn't quite put my finger on it,
then over time I realized the little shift that
happened in my thinking that transformed me
from someone who couldn't even pay their bills
to someone who could take charge of my life
and create the success I deserved.
It wasn't as simple as reading an ebook that gave
me that "one technique for getting traffic or
building a list".
It wasn't about copywriting.
It wasn't about my newsletter.
It wasn't about search engines.
It wasn't about web pages.
It wasn't about forms, or autoresponders, or email.
It was about my thinking.
I figured out how to change my thinking in order
to achieve the level of success I enjoy today.
What if you could learn to think just like Kevin
Wilke and Matt Gill of Nitro Marketing?
Would you be better at your online business if
you developed your mind to excel in:
1. Getting Started
2. Focus
3. Follow Through
What If I told you that I have arranged a special
audio preview of their new Mega-Audio Series
"The Nitro Marketing Mindset".
If you want to check it out to learn what you
can do to change the way you think
click here
Thursday, May 17, 2007
FREE Software
Dave Cheyne and Henry Gold (Give Away Legend) are giving away hundreds of software products at: Click Here
(Take a look at the site. Wild Stuff.)
Many of you have NOT heard or even downloaded your
part yet.
"How is THAT possible, GUYS?"
Allright! I don't mean to blame you on NOT having
anyone telling you about the event.
BUT, I MUST remind you that Dave Cheyne and Henry
Gold have told me that this site will disappear
by Midnight, June 13'07.
Make sure you download YOURS now at: Click Here
Go for it!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Interview with Ewen Chia
Ewen Chia - the man who has made a million dollars online!
You can't get rich overnight and you should stay away from people who say that you can, but it's still possible to make money online.
I've found Ewen Chia's the Autoilot Profits System after some errors, trials and research and I'll be honest - you must take some action for the system to work. Fortunately it's not hard and if you do take action your success is assured: you can make money online quickly, using it and your startup costs are nearly zero.
To get more details read the review:
Ewen Chia's Complete Turnkey Money Machine-In-A-Box
Saturday, May 12, 2007
The Story of the Hypnotic Writing Monkey
I just read a story from Joe Vitale that I
thought you would enjoy. I cracked up!
He said:
"A monkey could swipe my material and write
a cash-pulling sales letter, email, blog...
or any marketing message.
The only condition is the monkey needs to be
able to read.
I'll prove it to you.
Right now I have no idea how to write this
article called: "How to Easily Use My
Hypnotic Marketing Material to Get Gloriously
So, in this case, I'M the monkey.
Now follow my path....
I grab my material and flip through it --
which is what I'm doing right now -- and I
spot a phrase...
"You don't realize it, but in the next few
minutes you're going to learn..."
I add to that phrase something my monkey mind
gives me, " to get people to do your
bidding by using this amazing collection of
hypnotic marketing materials."
I now have this: "You don't realize it, but
in the next few minutes you're going to learn
how to get people to do your bidding by using
this amazing collection of hypnotic marketing
There, I just wrote a good line. Any monkey
could do it, as long as said monkey can type.
If you're like me, you'll probably want another
Did you notice that "If you're like me..." is
one of the hypnotic lines from my material?
It is.
It's in the Hypnotic Writing Swipe File.
My monkey mind found it and used it.
And "Stop!" is from there, too.
I saw it and tossed it into the above paragraph.
Made you look, didn't it?
Here's a fact for you: Any man, woman, child
or monkey can flip through these pages and
find words, phrases, and complete sentences
to help them lead and control the minds of
their readers.
Hey! Did you catch what I did? The phrase
"Here's a fact for you..." is also from the
Hypnotic Writing Swipe File. It's a way to
assume logic without having any.
It works.
And did you notice that "Hey!" grabbed your mind?
It, too, is from this collection. It's a
powerful yet simple tool for practically
yelling out your reader's name in a crowded
It GRABS attention.
Are you beginning to see how you can use this
Think about making use of this collection of
hypnotic material and you'll begin to feel
real power.
And did you notice that "Think about making
use of..." is yet another golden nugget from
swiped from the Hypnotic material?
Yes, a monkey with typing and reading skills
just might be able to write a good letter,
email, blog, or any kind of marketing piece
with this amazing collection of tried and
true hypnotic words and phrases.
But more importantly, since YOU are smarter
than any monkey, by the time you finish reading
this material you will be able to take these
words and phrases and weave them into hypnotic
letters, emails, blogs, and ads that get people
to act on your commands and suggestions.
Stop! Note "by the time you finish reading..."
is ALSO from this priceless bag of tricks!
Can you see why I'm so excited!
As you study every word of this material you
will become amazed at how easy it will be
for you to start writing your own hypnotic
marketing messages.
(I can't resist. "As you study every word of
this book you will become..." is also swiped
from there too. This is becoming way too easy.)
But let me confess something:
(Yes. "Let me confess..." is a hypnotic phrase.)
The Hypnotic Writing Swipe File has been off
the market for over 12 months now.
(as have all of my hypnotic marketing ebooks,
courses, classes, and home study courses)
But before we talk about a way you can still
get your hands on this material, consider this:
("But before..." is from the swipe file too)
The further you read into this collection, the
more you will realize why professional
copywriters and marketers always have
"swipe files."
They use them for inspiration. In this case,
I've already done ALL the leg work for you.
("The further you read into this..." is, you
guessed it, from the Hypnotic Swipe File.)
Remember when you were in high school, and you
cheated to get a passing grade? Admit it. You
did, at least once. Well, this collection is
your cheat-cheat.
("Remember when you were in high school..." is
swiped from my material too. Do you see how easy
it is to write with this collection at hand?
It's so easy I feel silly accepting money for
writing material like this for clients. But not
THAT silly.)
Have you noticed yet that I began with no idea
of how to write this article and now, with the
help of the Hypnotic Writing Swipe File
collection, I have written a very interesting
and maybe even hypnotic piece here?
("Have you noticed yet that..." is from this
fantastic swipe file, too.)
So here you are. You're holding dynamite. Do you
light it and throw it in a field to watch the
dirt blow up, or do you light it and throw it
where you know lay hidden gold?
FACT: The choice is yours. Use this material wisely.
("FACT" is swiped, too.)
As this email concludes, you are about to learn
the startling news that just today I released a
limited edition 8th Anniversary Edition of
my 3-Step "Hypnotic Marketing Formula"...
And I'm announcing the HUGE news that everyone
who invests in it today will also get the
same Hypnotic Writing Swipe File I used to write
this email. (which has sold for $197 in the past)
You don't pay $197.
You don't pay anything for this powerful
Hypnotic Swipe File.
It's your free - today only, when you get in on
the 8th Anniversary celebration of my proprietary
3-Step Hypnotic Marketing Formula.
Of course, you'll want to get in on this today
before it's gone:
Click Here
Go for it.
Dr. Joe Vitale
You are still reading this, aren't you?
You really don't need any more proof that
this works, do you?
Consider this...
My objective was to make you read this entire
text. Thus far, you've read 99% of this 1,030
word word message, right? In writing this text,
I simply planted a few hypnotic phrases,
suggestions, and copy connectors that I swiped
right from the Hypnotic Writing Swipe File.
When was the last time you read 55 paragraphs
of something that you never intended on reading?
That you did exactly what I suggested is
indisputable proof that these hypnotic writing
methods truly deliver on the goods!
Wouldn't you like to start using these easy
and powerful methods for yourself, starting
There are only a limited number of these special
edition packages of the 8th Anniversary Edtion
of Hypnotic Marketing today at: Click Here